
Awakening of Cthulhu caused different strange creatures to appear "From Nowhere". These beings can be only met in Magicka: The Stars are Left DLC.

Enderman[ | ]

Max Hitpoints 2 000
Species Unknown
Appearances Chapter 2
Weaknesses Unknown
Regeneration 0
Speed Unknown
Score Value 180

Endermen will cast Teleport to get close to you, but if they need to walk only a bit to achieve that, they won't do it - they'll go back and teleport! This strange movement makes not so hard to evade their attacks. And their attacks are instant-kills - they devour the wizard in one bite. But don't despair, as ice or earth armor (Shield (E)Ice, Shield (E)Earth (D)) makes them unable to pick you up and thus provides protection.

Cultist[ | ]

Max Hitpoints 1 000
Species Human
Appearances Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Weaknesses Unknown
Regeneration 0
Speed Unknown
Score Value 400

First Cultist met by the wizard offers joining the Cult and gaining the power to cast spells without a staff. Actually, it's better to use staff-based magic because it's much more powerful. Usually casters (Druids, Disciples, Goblin Wizards...) are strong enemies, but the cultists are not, they die quickly and have only two attacks - shooting an arcane missile (trajectory like goblin arrows) or hitting in melee with their Sacrificial Daggers, which drop after their death. They shouldn't make any danger, but if you want to be perfectly safe, cast an Arcane Ward (Arcane (S)Shield (E)) on self.

Deep One[ | ]

Deep One
Max Hitpoints 2 000
Species Unknown
Appearances Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Weaknesses Unknown
Regeneration 0
Speed Unknown
Score Value 160

These fish-like creatures will attack the wizard in melee or shoot streams of water, wetting him and pushing. Their second attack makes it dangerous to use lightning-based spells without having a water ward (Water(Q)Shield (E)).

Shoggoth[ | ]

Max Hitpoints 30 000
Species Unknown
Appearances Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Weaknesses cold, frost cleavers
Regeneration 0
Speed 2
Score Value 6 000

This giant, powerful and, primarily, very ugly creature is the toughest monster encountered in The Stars are Left DLC (bosses are the only exception). They move very slowly but will grab the wizard on surprisingly long range and devour him, and this means instant-kill. An earth or ice shield (Earth (D)Shield (E), IceShield (E)) can protect the wizard from being devoured, but then Shoggoths will perform tentacle swings. Also, don't try to attack them with ice- or earth-based spells, as well as most weapons, because physical damage heals them. The best way of defeating them is to cast cold-based spells on them - they are naturally slow and being chilled will make them real snails! Then you can defeat everything other and destroy the Shoggoth with some high-damage spells on the end. There is no way to kill it really quickly, but wetting it, casting Cold Ray (Cold (R)Arcane (S)), nuking it with Storm Ray (SteamSteamLightning (A)Arcane (S)Lightning (A)) until it thaws and then against freezing it, again nuking, and again, and again, to its death, is probably the quickest method. Overall, Shoggoths have limited attack methods, and are very slow and tough.

Elder Thing[ | ]

Elder Thing
Max Hitpoints 3 000
Species Unknown
Appearances Chapter 3
Weaknesses Earth (D)
Regeneration 0
Speed 2
Score Value 2 000

Elder Things are very strange enemies, not only by appearance! They do not attack at all, but have resistance to all elements except earth and cast two magicks. The first one is Teleport which they use to escape when the wizard comes too close. The second one, Confuse, is the reason why they are so dangerous. They cast this magick when a nearby wizard starts to charge earth element to the spell bar. It makes all controls reversed - clicking the left part of the screen will make the wizard go right and vice versa (the same thing happens with up and down), all element keys are mixed (for example, arcane (S) and earth (D) swap their keys) and even when you can tame this, it also makes you unable to target into the Elder Thing (you can rotate the wizard only a bit too much left or right). It is hard to attack, heal, defend, cast Nullify or even escape! There are three ways of defeating this very irritating monster:

  • Trample it with a Haste magick Lightning (A)Arcane (S)Fire (F) and rock armor Earth (D)Shield (E) (self) and while it gets up charge a Earth (D)x5 Boulder.
  • Go close (you must be 100% sure you won't miss) and start charging a Earth (D)x5 Boulder. When it casts Confuse, still keep the cursor on it. When the effect wears off, shoot the boulder into the Elder Thing as it won't recast Confuse - well, your boulder "was neutralized" though.
  • Load a Earth (D)x5 Boulder when standing very far from them - very, very far. They can't cast Confuse on distant wizard. They will try to get closer to you, though. This is possible to do even when there are some other enemies on the battlefield as it needs less waiting, but large distances make it easy to miss the thin Elder Thing.
  • If you've got a strong weapon dealing physical damage, you can get closer to it and knock it down with a Water(Q)x5 AoE before it teleports. Then you can start killing it with weapon blows, and you won't need any more water spells as weapon attacks distract this creature and prevent it from teleporting.
  • Using ice area attack IceIceIceIceIce, while stand close but not very close. If you stand too close, it teleports away.

It's best to stay far from it most time so that it can't interfere your fight.

Conscious Blaze[ | ]

Conscious Blaze
Max Hitpoints Unknown
Species Unknown
Appearances Chapter 3
Weaknesses Cold (R)
Regeneration (If Fire (F) touch them)
Speed Unknown
Score Value Unknown

This monster can be also summoned using the Octorod obtained by the wizard as default staff when wearing the Cultist Robe. They shoot streams of fire dealing "good" damage and setting targets on fire. They create small clouds of fire also when not attacking anything, so standing too near to your summoned Conscious Blaze can be dangerous.
